Tribeca Immersive - in collaboration with Mercer Labs

Tribeca Festival's 2024 Immersive program offers a collection of visual and sonic artworks, curated for the unique architecture of Mercer Labs Museum of Art & Technology – an experimental institution transforming the museum experience.

Through experimental exhibition spaces, unique listening encounters, volumetric installations, floor-to-ceiling LED exhibition spaces, and infinity exhibits, the relationship between art and technology is redefined. Led by artist and founder Roy Nachum, Mercer Labs drives a movement where technology is the canvas for collaboration, and diversity and community is celebrated.

Featuring boundary-pushing digital artists: Memo Akten & Katie Hofstadter, Wen-Yee Hsieh, ScanLAB Projects, Robertina Šebjanič, Sutu, and Liam Young, Tribeca’s selection is a response to the reality that prompts us to reflect on our relationship with the natural, technological, and societal surroundings, inspiring introspection and a shared desire for respite and hope.

From June 6 - 17, these exclusive projects will rotate in Mercer Labs' bespoke exhibition spaces in three presentations: BODY IN THE WORLD, REDESIGNING TOMORROW, FAR FROM NATURE.

Check out the schedule below and choose a show that calls to you and BUY TICKETS HERE

Extended By Popular Demand

Body in the World – June 6, 9, 12, 15 + 18, 21, 24, 27, 30; JUL 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27

Our bodily relationship with the world

Wen-Yee Hsieh, Invisible Them
Memo Akten & Katie Hofstadter, Embodied Simulation
Robertina Šebjanič, CO_SONIC 38,144 km² (spatialized in 4DSOUND with MONOM)
Sutu, While We Wait
Liam Young, Planet City

Redsigning Tomorrow – June 7, 10, 13, 16 + 19, 22, 25, 28; JUL 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28

Scenes from a future that is already here

Wen-Yee Hsieh, Invisible Them
Liam Young, The Great Endeavour
Robertina Šebjanič, CO_SONIC 38,144 km² (spatialized in 4DSOUND with MONOM)
Sutu, While We Wait
Liam Young, Planet City

Far From Nature – June 8, 11, 14, 17 + 20, 23, 26, 29; JUL 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29

The ever changing balance between humans, the environment and the urban landscape.

Wen-Yee Hsieh, Invisible Them ScanLAB Projects, FRAMERATE: Rhythms Around Us
Robertina Šebjanič, CO_SONIC 38,144 km² (spatialized in 4DSOUND with MONOM)
Wen-Yee Hsieh, The Great Filter
Liam Young, Planet City


Mercer Labs Museum of Art & Technology
21 Dey Street, New York, NY 10007

About the Artists & Projects

Embodied Simulation

Memo Akten & Katie Hofstadter

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Embodied Simulation is a multiscreen video and sound installation that aims to provoke and nurture strong connections to the global ecosystems of which we are a part. The work combines artificial intelligence with dance and research from neuroscience to create an immersive, embodied experience, extending the viewer’s bodily perception beyond the skin, and into the environment.

The Great Filter

Wen-Yee Hsieh

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The issue of identity between oneself and the environment has been interpreted as a world of its own. Catastrophes in the human world are translated into a sense of detachment between the self and the larger environment (from individual to collective and beyond). It is the detachment from the real world that gives birth to a parallel imaginary space. However, when the real world permeates into this parallel world, conflicts arise.

Invisible Them

Wen-Yee Hsieh

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For Invisible Them, the collective subconscious is spread out like a field of thoughts, preserved within the fields of the hallucinatory garden. Traversing the corridor of what constitutes the prototype hallucinatory garden, exploring the essence of collective violence, collective behavior, and collective fallacies. At the center lies an empty tomb; the niches on the wall are where consciousness is collected before it disperses, ultimately returning to the universe as energy.

FRAMERATE: Rhythms Around Us

ScanLAB Projects

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Framerate: Rhythms Around Us bears witness to the flux of life on earth. Surrounded by shifting point cloud landscapes, submerged in sound, we scale our perspective. Together we see the beautiful, creative, and destructive forces of nature and humanity. We are a part of this rhythm, we contribute to the cacophony, we are in sync, and we catastrophically collide with the beating pulse of our planet.

CO_SONIC 38,144 km²

Robertina Šebjanič

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In CO_SONIC 38,144 km², a poetic reflection and AI-powered sound landscape, artist Robertina Šebjanič explores the story of the coexistence of species and life forms through an observation of a river as one entity. The 4D sound adaptation for Tribeca Festival integrates the sounds of the Hudson River and bustling New York streets, blending them with the sonic presence of the more-than-human voices of natural and AI-generated entities from the Ljubljanica River and the Atlantic Ocean.

The Great Endeavour

Liam Young

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In The Great Endeavour, to reach current climate targets, we must develop the capacity to remove existing carbon from the atmosphere at gigatonne scales. The Great Endeavour is to capture all this carbon and will involve the largest construction project in human history. In collaboration with a network of scientists and technologists, The Great Endeavour chronicles the design, construction, and drama of what will become this generation’s moon landing, our last great act of planetary transformation.

Planet City

Liam Young

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Planet City is an internationally acclaimed multiformat research-based body of work by Liam Young that includes a short film, a VR experience, a book, and a physical exhibition. Planet City is based on the creation story of an imaginary future city of 10 billion people, the entire population of earth, where we have surrendered the remaining world to a global wilderness.

While We Wait


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Within the ethereal confines of virtual realms, While We Wait delves into the paradoxical dynamics of modern connectivity. Amidst a backdrop of global pandemics, war or other physical world stressors, seeking solace as virtual avatars in digital communion, has become a necessary psychological outlet for many of us. Through vibrant hues and serene landscapes, the piece invites contemplation on the omnipresent chaos of real life and the promise of consolation in virtual spaces.