Our popular New York narrative program returns with everyday life imagined – past, present, and future.
A movie theater usher in
Early Sunday Morning has a chance encounter after hours.
The Statistical Analysis of Your Failing Relationship examines a young man's probability of reviving his relationship with a young woman through statistical analysis. When an asteroid in
Let’s Not Panic threatens to hit New York, twenty-something Sadie embarks on a quest from Brooklyn to Manhattan to reunite with the man she loves – her therapist. In
Blitz a father and son agree to a “winner takes all” chess blitz in order to settle a bet. George and Lacy walk through the streets of Brooklyn and revisit their memories in
George and the Vacuum. The deterioration of one cycle is the foundation for another in
Wrapped, an exploration of time and change. In
Stop, a young man's livelihood is put to the test when the police stop him on his way home from practice. When a celebrated New York chef discovers an affair between his super-model wife and his best man in
Best Man Wins, he devises a plan to deal with each of them.