A Halloween Message From the Tribeca Programming Team
Film and transmedia submissions have been rolling in for the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival. (Early deadline: October 19!) They’re so good, it’s scary…
Cast and Crew: Amanda Burr, Lindsey Coven, Liza Domnitz, Stephen Fredericks, William Goldberg, Mallory Lance, Genna Terranova, Carrie Vermillion, Duane Watson
Post: John Carlucci, Dan Dickson, Cree Nevins, Kyra Odi, Sebastian Rea
Sound FX: Mike Koenig, Robertv, Marc Bianchi
Are you ready to submit your film or transmedia project? Check out the Submissions section for all the rules, regulations, and frequently asked questions. Good luck—hope to see you next April, if we’re still alive...
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