Our Programmers Pose As Films From The TFF 2014 Lineup
Do you ever wonder who selects our stellar film program from year to year? Meet some of the fine members of the TFF 2014 programming team, in costume as films from this year's lineup.
In addition to our events, parties and panels, the centerpiece of each Festival year is, of course, the program. Our programmers are responsible for helping emerging talent find a showcase for their films, giving established filmmakers a safe haven to experiment, and making sure that our selection is varied enough so that all movie lovers can have a “must-see” movie of the Fest that peaks their particular interests.
Our programmers dedicate countless hours of their lives for the Festival and the good of movie fans everywhere. To celebrate their accomplishment for another great TFF lineup, we asked the team to pose as some of this year’s Festival films.
So scroll down and enjoy the pictures (all taken by our Video Director John Carlucci)!
Famous Nathan
Genna Terranova, Directing of Programming
Love and Engineering
Frederic Boyer, Artistic Director
Weapons Specialist: Glenn Cunningham
Miss Meadows
Liza Domnitz, Associate Programmer
Holly Voges, Assistant Programmer
Der Samurai
Ian Hollander, Associate Programmer
Loren Hammonds, Assistant Programmer
Murder of a Cat
Ashley Havey, Associate Programmer
Jeff Bowers, Assistant Programmer
Cara Cusumano, Programmer
Next Goal Wins
Ben Thompson, Shorts Programmer
Super Duper Alice Cooper
Mallory Lance, Assistant Programmer
Not pictured: Geoffrey Gilmore, Sharon Badal, Jon Gartenberg, Ingrid Kopp, Dan Hunt, Brian Gordon