TFF 2014 Screenings You Can See Today!
It's the last day of the Fest, but a few tickets are left for these TFF 2014 award winners and favorites. Grab 'em while you can!

Click on the times to see more about the film/event and get tickets! (The rest of our screenings today are on RUSH - read our Rush Policy here and try your luck!)
Screenings at Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea
11:30 am: Manos Sucias
12:45 pm & 6:45 pm: Ne Me Quitte Pas
1:00 pm: Second Place Heineken Audience Award Winner - Narrative (Manos Sucias)
4:00 pm: Second Place Heineken Audience Award Winner - Documentary (Mala Mala)
9:30 pm: Point and Shoot
9:45 pm: Keep On Keepin' On
7:30 pm & 10:30 pm: Vara: A Blessing