Time Is Running Out
Don’t miss your chance to submit your work to the 2021 Tribeca Film Festival, taking place June 9-20.
Time feels weird right now — how is it already December?! — so here’s a friendly reminder that you’ve only got a few more weeks to submit film, immersive, and episodic projects (as well as games) to the 20th-anniversary Tribeca Film Festival. For most categories, our final deadline for consideration is January 13, 2021. Our first three deadlines have already passed — today’s the official deadline, in fact — but we’re keeping submissions open a bit longer to accommodate filmmakers and storytellers affected by the pandemic. Mark your calendar so you don’t forget to send us the stories you’ve worked so hard to tell!
Podcasts are the one exception to this approaching deadline. For the first time ever, Tribeca Film Festival has opened submissions for podcasts and audio stories. Starting today, you can submit pretty much any story — fiction or narrative nonfiction, 10-90 minutes in length — told through audio only for consideration. The final deadline for podcast submissions is January 29, 2021.
Whatever medium you’re using to tell your stories, we hope you’ll share it with us. Click here to submit your work, plus get a full breakdown of the submission categories and eligibility details.