Not Ready to Say Goodbye to the Festival Yet? Catch These Films on VOD Now!
Enjoy the festival from your living room.
This year's Festival is over on Sunday, but there are a few films that would like to come home with you. Check out these films now on VOD and digital platforms:
Casper (Emory Cohen, THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES) and Dominic (Callan McAuliffe, THE GREAT GATSBY) have been fiercely loyal friends since childhood. Desperate for a way out of their quiet town on the Maine-Canada border, the boys make a pact to pool their earnings on a car and hit the road. But when Casper is drawn into drug smuggling with his outlaw father (Aidan Gillen, "The Wire," "Game of Thrones") to pay his share, their friendship is pushed to the brink and adult choices forced on them all too soon. A standout narrative debut from Aron Gaudet and Gita Pullapilly (THE WAY WE GET BY), BENEATH THE HARVEST SKY is a gripping coming-of-age thriller set against an authentic portrait of small-town American life.
A bachelor party weekend takes some unexpected detours in this hilarious and heartfelt Irish comedy, about a foppish groom-to-be (Hugh O'Conor) who reluctantly agrees to go on a camping trip before his nuptials. But when his fiancee's alpha-male brother, nicknamed "The Machine," unexpectedly turns up, all concepts of masculinity are challenged — and a leisurely weekend in the great outdoors takes a turn for the worse.
For recent retiree Caroline (Fanny Ardant, 8 WOMEN, CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS), a new life of freedom and opportunity lies before her: time to take care of her children, her husband, and most of all, to finally take care of herself. But while her peers at the local seniors’ club pass the time with ceramics and amateur theater, she finds a new hobby of her own between the sheets with the center’s computer teacher Julien (Laurent Lafitte, LITTLE WHITE LIES), a carefree ladies man decades her junior. The couple set rules for their affair, but Caroline seems to like courting danger, taking her lover to places she knows they might be seen and telling lies to her husband (Patrick Chesnais, THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY) that could easily be discovered. As Caroline finds herself in the midst a second youth – taking a new lover, living new experiences, breaking the rules, not doing what’s expected of her – will her retirement mark the beginning of the end for her marriage, or a new beginning?
BENEATH THE HARVEST SKY, THE BACHELOR WEEKEND, and BRIGHT DAYS AHEAD are now available on VOD and digital platforms – and don’t miss selections from current and past Tribeca Film Festivals on iTunes, Amazon, and Vudu!