New York Premiere
Not Over Easy
Shorts in Competition: Narrative
| Canada
| English
Karen and Ken's relationship is kaput. After kicking him out, Karen celebrates with breakfast for one, only to find a gift from Ken in the fridge—two eggs drawn with smiling faces. Touched by this small gesture, Karen daydreams about giving Ken a second chance, imagining what their lives would be like as a couple of eggs
Cast & Credits
Directed by
Jordan Canning and Jordan Canning
JORDAN CANNING was born in Newfoundland and has directed more than a dozen short films and music videos. Among them, Bedroom screened at Toronto and won Best Atlantic Short at the Atlantic Film Festival. Countdown screened all over the world and won a number of awards. She is developing a number of feature films, including Come, Thou Tortoise.
Primary Cast
Rachel Wilson, Aaron Poole
Director of Photography
Sam Pryse-Phillips
Jody Richardson, Jordan Canning
Sam Pryse-Phillips
Grant King, Jody Richardson
* Rush Tickets available at venue except for
Beacon Theatre
Rush will be offered when advanced tickets for a screening or event are no longer available at venues
other than Beacon Theatre.
The Rush system functions as a standby line that will form at the venue approximately one hour prior to scheduled start time. Admittance is based on availability and will begin roughly 10 minutes prior to program start time. Rush Tickets are the same price as advance tickets and are payable upon entry.