NY Comic Con Interview: 'Zero Charisma' Directors on the Film's 'E.T.' Homage Scene
Watch this clip from our 20-sided-die interview with 'Zero Charisma' directors Katie Graham and Andrew Matthews and star Sam Eidson.
"There's a nice Spielbergy warmness that everybody likes."
We talked to Zero Charisma directors Katie Graham and Andrew Matthews and star Sam Eidson at NYCC last night, where they agreed to play our 20-sided-die question game, rolling question 13: "What's Your First Pop Culture Memory?" Turns out, Graham has a great one: the Dungeons and Dragons scene from E.T. when Elliot yells "zero charisma" - an homage to which, as she explains in the clip above, they put into their movie.
Katie Graham and Andrew Matthews along with star Sam Eidson will be appearing at several screenings for Q&As this weekend with two very special guest moderators.
After the 7:10PM show on Friday, October 11, sci-fi legend John Barrowman (Arrow, Torchwood) will be in attendance to field questions for the Zero Charisma team. After the 7:10PM show on Saturday, October 12, Community's Dan Harmon will be on hand with his trademark wit and enthusiasm to host the conversation.
Don’t live in NYC? No problem. Even though you'll miss these two special Q&As, you can still watch Zero Charisma on VOD and digital platforms (including iTunes!).