Immortalize Your Name On a Tile in NYC's Amazing + Pool

Soon, you'll be able to swim in a pool in the East River - in clean, filtered river water! Contribute to this awesome Kickstarter-funded project and get your name on a tile in the + POOL.

Immortalize Your Name On a Tile in NYC's Amazing + Pool

Because we love any project that improves our great city in an innovative way...

Want to be apart of something big that blends tech, innovation, NYC-improvement, culture, and SWIMMING? Family and PlayLab are attempting to fund one of the largest Kickstarted civic projects in the world, right here in New York City. Their mission: build a + POOL that would filter the very river (specifically, the East River) that it floats in through the walls of the pool. And if you pledge in the next 39 hours, you can have your name immortalized on a tile in the coolest pool in the world (and at certain levels, you'll get to be among the first to swim in it, too!):

If the group hits its goal of selling 14,000 tiles, they’ll be able to build a + POOL float lab this summer in the East River. Plus, certain awards levels give you first dibs on access to the + POOL and many other perks. But hurry: there are just 39 hours to go to get your name (or your company's, or your BFF's, or your crush's) on a tile. It's the perfect gift: reserve yours now.  

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