Watch The ‘Palo Alto’ Trailer Now
Gia Coppola makes her stunning directorial debut with her adaptation of James Franco’s ‘Palo Alto: Stories.’
I wish I didn’t care about anything.
An unflinching look at teenage angst, listlessness, attraction and self-destruction, Palo Alto has been praised as “one of the best movies ever made about high school life in America.” Written and directed by Gia Coppola, this ensemble drama is comprised of interwoven stories that feature performances by Emma Roberts, James Franco, Val Kilmer, Nat Wolff, Zoe Levin and striking newcomer Jack Kilmer.
Set to a soundtrack by Devonté Hynes (Blood Orange) and Robert Schwartzman (Rooney), Gia Coppola’s Palo Alto perfectly captures the blend of style and substance that is the high school experience.
Palo Alto opens in theaters in NYC and LA on Friday, May 9.