Brand Storytelling: The Art of Creative Collaboration

Yasmin Gagne

Jamie Cutburth

EVP, Marketing and Content Partnerships, NBCUniversal

Kate Oppenheim

EVP, Tribeca Studios, Managing Partner, m ss ng p eces

As the industry shifts and evolves through new mediums and new modes of distribution, brands are increasingly moving away from traditional advertising and tapping into the power of storytelling and entertainment to reach new audiences, inspire culture and foster community across the globe. Creative collaboration between a brand and an artist is the heartbeat of brand storytelling, but in the streaming era, partnering with the right platform can be just as instrumental to a project’s success. In this collaborative session, Jamie Cutburth, EVP of Marketing and Content Partnerships at NBCUniversal will sit down with Kate Oppenheim, EVP of Tribeca Studios and Managing Partner at mssng peces, to discuss how media companies, brands and agencies can creatively collaborate to create meaningful content that resonates, while leveraging multiple platforms to deliver brand stories at the right time, on the right screen to audiences everywhere. In Partnership with NBCUniversal

SPEAKERS:Jamie Cutburth, Executive Vice President, Creative Partnerships, Advertising & Partnerships, NBCUniversal; Kate Oppenheim, EVP, Tribeca Studios, Managing Partner, mssng peces

MODERATOR: Yasmin Gagne, Associate Editor, Fast Company

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