Happy Birthday Robert De Niro!: A Vine and GIF Party
In case you missed it, here's the Vine and GIF party we had for Robert De Niro's 70th birthday on August 17.

Happy Birthday, Robert De Niro! In honor of Bob's 70th, we commissioned Vines from eight of our favorite Viners, and we made some GIFs of our own. Want to join the party? Put up your Robert De Niro tribute or impression on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram - wherever - and tag it #DENIRO70. We'll be sharing our favorites all day long.
"To the man who knows how to command a room like no other. Happy 70th Birthday Robert De Niro." - Jethro Ames
"Happy 70th to Mr. Robert De Niro! Your work inspires me to create...every day. Health, happiness and thank you!" - Pete Heacock
"Happy 70th birthday Robert De Niro!" - Frank Danna
"Happy birthday, Robert De Niro" - Nick Confalone
"Guido drives with a birthday cake to Mister De Niro" - Yves Das
"Here's to a lifetime of achievements. Happy 70th birthday, Robert De Niro" - Meagan Cignoli
"Happy birthday Bob!" - Matt Willis (yelldesign)
"Happy birthday, De Niro! (My son Nolan's acting debut)" - Thomas Ian Nicholas
And here are some birthday GIFs we couldn't resist making! (Feel free to use them all year long.)
(Special thanks to Julia Pugachevsky and Andy Rozal.)