Call For Entries: Tribeca Film Festival's #6SecFilms Vine Competition

We're excited about Vine and we want to explore what's possible for the new app. So we're challenging you to make #6SecFilms on Vine to be judged by an illustrious jury.

Call For Entries: Tribeca Film Festival's #6SecFilms Vine Competition

When the Vine app launched in January, we got excited about it immediately. The mobile app that lets anyone make six-second looping films felt fresh and challenging, and we were thrilled when some of our favorite artists started using Vine in creative ways. So that gave us an idea: why not challenge Vine users to create six-second films for our own mini festival just for Vines? So, starting today, we're launching the #6SECFILMS Competition, powered by Vine. 

Here's how it works: Vine creators will make as many Vines as they want in any of the following categories: #GENRE, #AUTEUR, #ANIMATE, or #SERIES (see details below), and our team of jurors will choose their favorites from a shortlist we share on the site. (Our jury panel: actor Adam "The King of Vine" Goldberg, Director Penny Marshall, and the team from 5 Second Films!

Sounds fun, right? Here's how to enter (you can read the official rules here):


A Vine doesn't give you a lot of time. Six seconds to be exact. We're challenging you to use that time to make a film. 

Tips: Your short film must tell story with a beginning, middle, and end. Creating unique characters, worlds, and plots for your Vine will give you an advantage. Embracing the Vinely qualities of looping, time manipulation, etc. will give you even more of one.


Tag your Vine #6SECFILMS and the hashtag of the category in which you want to enter. Read the categories below to see where you want to compete. Big note: the same Vine cannot be submitted to more than one category. Choose one category that best fits your Vine.

Are you thinking of a making a horror Vine? A sci-fi Vine? A western Vine? An LOLcat Vine? A comedy Vine? A funny sci-fi/western/horror Vine with a funny feline? This is the category for you. Show us how a genre film can best thrive in six seconds and you'll take home the winning prize.

Do you have a six second story or script that's truly unique? A tiny, concentrated expression of your vision? This is your Vine.

Are you an animator or thinking Vine is the perfect medium for some creative stop motion and don't want to deal with the live-action riffraff? Then we don't need to tell you this is your category.

Do you have a character or world too big for six seconds? That's fine. We'll let you make it a trilogy. Submit three Vines, each one a single episode of a larger story. Use the Vine's title to identify the episode (1/3, 2/3, 3/3). Each Vine must must still meet the original requirements (beginning, middle, and end, etc.). A winning entry will be the one that uses the three Vines to create a true series, not just tell an 18 second story.


Here’s the deal: If you make our shortlist we’ll want to share your Vine with the world. Posting it to Twitter offers the easiest way for us to embed and promote our shortlisters and recognize your awesome Vines. Not sure how to post your Vine to twitter?  Check out this official list of Twitter's Vine FAQs. Don't forget your hashtags: #6SECFILMS and the category tag of your choice above.

STEP FOUR: FOLLOW US @TribecaFilmFest on Twitter!

This isn’t a ploy to get more followers, we promise. Following us will give us the ability to contact you via Direct Message if your Vine is selected, so it's kind of important. It's also the best way to keep you updated on the contest. Follow us @TribecaFilmFest.

Read the rest of the official rules here.

THE DEADLINE IS 11:59 PM ON 4/7/2013.

Vines submitted after this date will not be eligible. Sorry, we gotta cut it off sometime.

All Vines submitted to Twitter using the relevant hashtags before the deadline of 4/7/2013 will be reviewed by the Tribeca Film Festival programming team. A shortlist of select Vines that meet the creative requirements will be chosen by the programmers and displayed on the week of 4/17/2013. 

Our panel of distinguished judges will deliberate over the shortlist and select a winner in each category. The winners will be announced 4/26/13.


Shortlisted Vines will be recognized and showcased on

Winners in each category will receive $600 (a hundred bucks for each second). 

Here are the official rules.


Check out our list of 10 Artist to Follow on Vine, see why Adam Goldberg is being called the king of Vine, check out this Tumblr about cool Vines, and look to the Vine Editor's Picks section on the app on your phone for Vinespiration. 

If you have any questions please email us at be sure to put “Vine Question” in the subject line. 

(Official Contest Rules)

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