Panels & Programming

Our Main Stage will host intimate conversations with dynamic speakers and thoughts leaders. Our Forum sessions are designed to take a more in-depth look at industry trends and provide meaningful peer-to-peer engagement through open discussion and Q&As. All Tribeca X guests are encouraged to use our working lounge areas throughout the day. Daily breakfast and lunch will be served to mix and mingle.
Our Main Stage will host 30-minute, intimate conversations with dynamic speakers and thought leaders from advertisement, marketing and entertainment.

Breakfast Receptions

Start each day with breakfast and networking before our program begins in the North Gallery of Convene One Liberty Plaza. All Tribeca X passholders are welcome.

Lunch Receptions

Each afternoon we’ll break from our Main Stage and Forum sessions to come together for lunch in the North Gallery of Convene One Liberty Plaza. All Tribeca X passholders are welcome.

Working Lounge

We encourage our guests to use our common lounge areas to catch up on emails and take meetings with other Tribeca X guests between sessions. Wifi access is available. Complimentary refreshments will be served throughout the day.

Tribeca X Partners